Cleveland Way maps and Lyke Wake Walk guide

Outdoor Leisure Maps numbers 26 and 27 cover all of the North Yorkshire Moors and are needed for the Lyke Wake Walk (a 42 mile challenge walk crossing the North York Moors National Park )  The scale is 1:25 000 (4cm to 1 km or 2½ inches to the mile) also included is a separate Lyke Wake Walk Guide Book by Brian Smailes. 

This package is available from us for £18.50 plus £1.50 postage and packing.

To order on line please select the size and click the pay pal button. To order direct please telephone the shop on 01609 883818

Cleveland Way maps, accomodation guide and trail guide

Outdoor Leisure Maps numbers 26 and 27 cover all of the North Yorkshire Moors and show the entire Cleveland way long distance footpath. The scale is 1:25 000 (4cm to 1 km or 2½ inches to the mile) also included is a separate Cleveland Way Accommodation Guide and The National Cleveland Way Guide by Ian Sampson ( required reading if you want to know more about the countryside you are walking through, history,wildlife,archaeology,geology,industry and land use. Plus clear route information and extra circular routes. Transport details and bags of useful information.)

This package is available from us for £28.94 plus £2.70 postage and packing.

To order on line please select the size and click the pay pal button. To order direct please telephone the shop on 01609 883818

Cleveland Way maps and accomodation guide

Outdoor Leisure Maps numbers 26 and 27 cover all of the North Yorkshire Moors and show the entire Cleveland way long distance footpath. The scale is 1:25 000 (4cm to 1 km or 2½ inches to the mile) also included is a separate Cleveland Way Accommodation Guide. This package is available from us for £15.95 plus £1.50 postage and packing.

To order on line please select the size and click the pay pal button. To order direct please telephone the shop on 01609 883818